Friday, March 26, 2010

We went to Whitewater yesterday, March 24 and so enjoyed the ride. I was exhausted afterwards and slept from 3:10PM until 8:30PM and then I went to bed at 11:15PM. So the ride there really was tiring for me, even though pleasurable. Someone had dumped 2 Pit bull females along the road there. Jim gave them a can of dog food that he had in the car and then we went on our way, because we could not have done any more for them.  When we got there a busload of kids were there enthralled with the trout ponds and they were very busy feeding them fish food, which they bought there.  We stayed about an hour and a half and on the way back Jim saw a herd of Mountain Sheep on a hillside right outside the conservatory.  We lingered for about a half hour.  Jim took lots of pics and I viewed them from the car with binoculars.  It was neat to see them in a wild state.  They were about 500 ft away, so not very close.  If any of his came out good, I'll post them

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1 comment:

  1. Whitewater is definitely a cool place, unexpected in the wilderness just east of San Gorgonio.

